ImageRUNNER C1225iF Printer Drivers. When Canon imageRUNNER C1225iF device was only a few weeks old, it printed from one moment to the other only machine language. Then it took about 6 weeks until a technician came, who replaced a board and incidentally ruined my sideboard (insurance damage about 600, - Euro). Then this Canon imageRUNNER C1225iF printed again, but on the display no German language was now possible. After several weeks, Canon decided to replace the device and replace it with a new device. Problem: In the mentioned time window of 4 hours and it was a Friday afternoon, the weather was nice, so I waited in vain in my spare time for the supplier. The delivery date was simply not met without notice.
Without prior notification, the supplier then burst into a meeting on the following Monday. I was speechless. He packed the old device and the new device (which my husband actually wanted to resell the original packaging) was unpacked and taken the packaging. Also in the old device, due to the technical disturbances hardly used new toner (value: about 90, - Euro) was taken - I did not get a replacement. Now. The new Canon imageRUNNER C1225iF was put into operation. After about a week, this device also started printing machine language again. The again repainted reinstalling the driver brought no improvement.
Canon imageRUNNER C1225iF Driver Download
From | red*** | (the company where I bought the device), I then received notice that the device must first be tested by them, etc. After about four weeks finally came a supplier who picked up the device. In the meantime, I have been asked repeatedly to sign any delivery notes sent by mail, which almost stated that I had to pay the freight costs (not rightly). Of course, I did not sign that, which was probably one of the reasons why everything went so far. Another four weeks later (the device had already been picked up four weeks earlier), I asked there by mail, what it would look like with the refund of the purchase price. Answer, "As long as the device is not with us, neither a test nor the refund can be done."
After another six weeks and it was around Ramzan all of a sudden the mail came that the device had arrived. Another two weeks later I finally had my money back. Since then, I regularly receive an e-mail with the information "that the device has arrived". Finally, although I have my money back, but apart from the fact that the device probably has at least one design flaw, Canon has a super lousy service proved and | red*** | tried once consistently, to escape from problems of responsibility and make a squeeze - by delaying tactics, etc. Never again Canon. NEVER AGAIN | red*** | Now I have a Ricoh Aficio SP C240sf. It's a pity that I did not find this way earlier.