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Download OKI C530DN Driver Printer

OKI C530DN Printer Driver. Like its brother C510dn, the OKI C530DN also wants to convince with an excellent "OKI ECOficiency". Under this term, the manufacturer summarizes various saving modes, which are intended to make the printer environmentally friendly and also cost-effective for the customer. Up to 20 percent energy can be saved, for example, if high pressure is not required. The usually very high stand-by costs for laser printers, in turn, lowers a so-called deep sleep mode (Deep Sleep), in which the consumption should be down to about 1 watt a value that otherwise only ink jets.

OKI C530DN Driver Download

The OKI C530DN print costs are around 1.9 cents per page in the S / W as well as around ten cents per page in the color mode and especially in the case of the color prints, the C530dn will surely be the cheapest in the upcoming tests Office printer. To what extent the toner saving mode is already included in the figures given by Oki is unfortunately not clear, so the first tests should be waited if the operating costs play a central role in a purchase decision. The OKI C530DN printer will start selling for around 470 euros. Potential (test) competitors could be the HL-4050CDN from Brother or the AcuLaser C2800DN from Epson, which are available for around 445 euro in Amazon or 420 Euro at Amazon already available.

Download OKI C530DN Driver Printer

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