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Download Pretty BPM Software (Business Process Management)

BPM Software Download. Bonita is a software used to manage business processes BPM (Business Process Management) companies, with the advantage of reaching a more automated, flexible and efficient development; it also saves time in the design and programming of tasks and relationships with entities that are performed during a process. This type of software can be used in any business you need to develop an application to manage your activities, whether commercial, human resources or any other area that requires model their processes and tasks. Nice features a visual development environment to create the model of a process through flowcharts, where processing tasks are defined, the order of their sequence and assigning privileges to different groups of users during the execution of each home work.

The programmer must integrate business classes in Java model, in addition to defining variables, designing forms, and other elements that are necessary for the execution of processes in a web environment (accessible from the browser) or from a mobile application. Bonita, like other BPMS, facilitate the automation of business processes, requiring more time for design and programming least compared to other development strategies based business applications on other platforms. It includes an API for Java and one for REST, with methods that facilitate the scheduling of business classes that require access to system data.

Download Pretty BPM Software

Download Pretty BPM Software. This software also facilitates the monitoring of the various tasks and activities that users during the execution of a process. Save logs of all activities and has an efficient control of the privileges of users, groups and roles that can use the different functionalities. This BPM uses MS SQL Server as database engine, but also allows integration with MySQL, Oracle or PostgreSQL. It requires Java 7 and can use the development environment itself or integrate any IDE like Eclipse for Java programming and to manage the connection to the web server, the repository and other resources.

The official site is available complete documentation on how to use Bonita, plus you can download diagrams and examples of already implemented processes. We recommend registering for more benefits and resources. Pretty 6.3.8 is the latest version for Windows available to download for free.