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Download PINs, A Program To Save Your Passwords

PINs Download - A Program To Save Your Passwords. PINs is a program that allows you to save and manage passwords required to access the email accounts (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.); also save password Facebook safely, as appropriate to other social networks and other websites that request. The advantage of this manager who keeps the key is encrypted using a strong encryption algorithm (Blowfish up to 448 bits) which is very difficult to crack. To access the application a master key that the user must remember is necessary but no longer need to remember dozens of passwords that will be well protected. Using this tool eliminates the need to store secret keys in a text file (something easily accessible for others), and avoids having to use the option to "remember password" feature browsers, which can be convenient but no insurance. For added security, if left open the program inadvertently minutes elapsed re-apply for the master key.

Besides the usual passwords, users often need to use very sensitive data, either to enter a bank account, to access a web server, or to any other service which may involve a significant risk that the violation of privacy. PINs are not only responsible for keeping that data, but also to generate strong random passwords that use all sorts of symbols, which implies that either can be discovered with brute force methods. It is advisable to let the generator is integrated PINs itself be responsible for determining the key, never use short keys or manually enter text that is easy to deduce. The longer and more complex words will be the highest level of security and encryption. Recommended to be alpha-numeric, and are special symbols include at least 15 characters.

Download PINs, A Program To Save Your Passwords.

Download PINs, A Program To Save Your Passwords. The application itself is very simple, has a very simple interface but is very intuitive and easy to use. For each new entry can be entered in addition to the user data and url, additional information that the user can serve you for some reason. Another feature that is critical in this type of security software and PINs has it, is the fact portability, so you can save on a pendrive (USB) and automatically run on any PC or laptop, without installing on that computer.

Presents some interesting features that serve to better management: categorization and organization structure tree, reminder keys that have an expiration date, history key to past records for each entry, is multi-user, allowing import / export data includes a search engine and more features.

PINs 4.50 is the latest version of this free security application for Windows. For the latest versions of the operating system may not work properly, then we recommend using the Keepass program.