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Download Kodi, Multimedia Player Software

Kodi, Multimedia Player Software Download

Download Kodi, Multimedia Player Software. Kodi is a cross-platform media center that includes a player and organizer of content (music, videos, photos), but having the opportunity to expand their functions and several customization options through the installation of addons (plugins). Through Kodi can manage movies that are stored on the computer or some other device as it supports almost all video formats (including MKV and other HD formats) and subtitle, but also can be accessed to sites that publish videos, podcasts or movies online.

By incorporating addons are available more services, either to access games, to television, to weather reports and other related education, entertainment content, etc. There ons repositories maintained by the user community Kodi that offer very interesting options; for example: Fusion, XUnitiy and Navi-x, among others. Repositories must be added to System -> File Management -> Add Fonts. Systems will subsequently -> Addons -> Install from a Zip and selected (in the appropriate folders to aggregate sources) .zip files containing the information repositories.

Download Kodi, Multimedia Player Software

The interface features a main menu with the main options: Music, Videos, Programs and Systems. Each section allows you to manage the content itself or the load addons. Kodi (formerly known as XBMC) was created for XBOX, but can be used on PC (Windows, Linux), Mac, Android or IOS phones, and other devices such as Amazon Fire TV. It can be very useful for transmitting content from the computer to the TV.

A disadvantage of this application is that it can initially be not very intuitive, but it has tutorials that explain how to install Windows Kodi, Android and other supported platforms, and how to make the most of everything on offer. After using it a while, you may already be familiar and adapting to this excellent free multimedia center. Kodi 14.2 Helix is ​​the latest stable version, while Now you can test the new version 15.0, test, known as Isengard.