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Download Dixio Desktop Dictionary

Dixio Desktop Dictionary DownloadDixio Desktop Dictionary. Dixio Desktop is a program that serves as a dictionary, either to find the meaning of a word, or to get text translations in other languages ​​quickly with just a click, avoiding having to resort to online dictionaries or search engines. You can access the service offered by Dixio from any application, either the web browser, PDF, text editor or other application reader; pressing the Ctrl key and right clicking the mouse at a time.

Returns Dixio dictionary definition of a word, with the advantage of making it in the context that is the same as it takes a contextual semantic analysis. This tool draws from several dictionaries (Oxford, General Spanish Dictionary VOX, Bilingual Semantix, etc.) and encyclopedias, in addition to the wikipedia, totaling some 95 different services. Supports English, Spanish, Catalan and Basque, among other languages.

Dixio Desktop Dictionary

The program can be useful as an e-mail or other document is written and has any doubt that the word is spelled. When a query is performed, using the shortcut keys mentioned, if the word does not exist, Dixio presents alternatives to it, can replace correct. Dixio Desktop 3.1 is the latest update released in May 2013, this dictionary can be downloaded for free. It is available for Windows (8, 7, Vista, XP), Linux and Mac. There is a premium version that adds more features, such as the possibility of synonyms and antonyms of words.