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HP Officejet J4550 Printer Driver Download

Download Printer Driver HP Officejet J4550
HP Officejet J4550 Printer Driver Download

HP Officejet J4550 Printer Driver Download. I acquired this HP Officejet J4550 printer fairly inexpensive and for printing undeniable textual content the excellent is pleasant. HP Officejet J4550 is a little sluggish however speed is not a concern for me. The fundamental quandary i've with this printer is that it makes use of quite a few ink. It says that you will have to get approximately 200 pages per cartridge however i've already purchased 7 black ink cartridges and 3 color. And even though the ink is particularly low cost in comparison with other ink cartridges I believe i am getting roughly a hundred pages per cartridge. I estimated this by the amount of paper i have used. I bought 2 reams of paper 500 sheets of paper per ream, after I bought the printer and i have about half of of the 2nd one left now. Other than that, HP Officejet J4550 prints just right pleasant textual content files, scans good enough, i've simplest scanned 1 thing and that i should not have the fax connected so I do not know how that works. So if you happen to just need to print a letter from time to time, this HP Officejet J4550 printer will give you the results you want. If you happen to print a bit more than that i would don't forget a greater pleasant printer.

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