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Download Printer Driver HP LaserJet M1132

HP LaserJet M1132 Printer Driver. This HP printer makes a very good external impression and the pressure is fine. Surprisingly fast he starts printing. Unfortunately, the paper quite warm and it comes is slightly wavy from the roller. However, I have tried it with only 90g plain paper. If necessary, curl 120g Stationery less. What I do not understand but for that there are not the star deliver, why no USB cable is included. So expensive are not and in fact it would be expected, because otherwise you can not operate the printer. I can About the Longevity current course not give any information, but I am optimistic. All in all a great device, the star trigger as he curled the plain paper and the paper is incredibly warm. 

HP LaserJet M1132 Driver Download
The unit came well packaged and is now about 1 month in use. Prints only the Econo mode, because for better possibly colored prints also a Photosmart D6160 is with me. The scanner I have so far only as S / W Copiers used; so I can not judge a lot. The printer I'm very happy; He has fast operating temperature and then prints at high speed, guess: 3 seconds per page. I was disappointed only from the fact that it is supplied with a laser cartridge that prints only 700 pages, while the original cartridge about 56 euros to print approximately 1600 pages. Addendum: Printer shows "Toner empty soon ; only a page which was probably slightly miscalculated, I have ordered new toner immediately; now standing for several weeks and waits for action, because the old toner still prints. So not too early can make yourself crazy!
Download Printer Driver HP LaserJet M1132