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Brother HL-L2340DW Printer Driver Download

Download Printer Driver Brother HL-L2340DW

Brother HL-L2340DW Printer Driver Download

Brother HL-L2340DW Printer Driver Download. The HL-L2340DW has changed my decade-historic HL-1440, and i am absolutely completely satisfied with it. Wi-fi setup is a breeze, even with no pc. It took me 8 minutes (timed) from unboxing the printer to my first wi-fi print on Mac OS X. Thanks to the 16 personality liquid crystal display show, you can beautiful with ease poke your means by means of menus to configure the whole thing in regards to the printer, together with Wi-Fi networks (network -> WLAN -> Setup Wizard). Or that you can just use WPS: press a button for your router, press a button in your printer, and you are accomplished. Each methods worked fabulously. Once connected, that you may consult with the printer's admin interface in your browser to tweak addition settings or configure Google Cloud Print.

Brother HL-L2340DW Drivers
The printer instantly regarded in Mac OS X 10.9's "nearby Printers" record, and drivers were robotically downloaded and configured the first time I tried to print to it. It took slightly longer to set it up in Ubuntu, however it did ultimately work underneath Linux. One word of warning: when the printer decides that it is time to exchange the toner, it'll effortlessly discontinue printing, despite the fact that there is still ample toner ultimate. Per the user guide, which you can "turn on continue Mode to drive the laptop to continue printing even though the control panel shows that it's time to substitute the toner cartridge." sadly, "when the substitute Toner error message is active, you can not flip this mode on except you convert the toner cartridge." So ensure you activate proceed Mode early within the toner's existence. It's convenient to set on the printer itself (general Setup -> change Toner -> proceed), or through the net interface.

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Linux Driver:

Mac OS Driver:

Windows Driver: