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Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000 Printer Driver Download

Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000 Printer Driver. Good device at a reasonable price. The printouts are fast for an inkjet and the quality is convincing. For the purpose of use in the Homeoffice unrestricted recommend. It is connected to me via network cable and reacts to the pressure commands quickly. There is a closed paper tray, the printer can duplex printing, has a pull-out compartment for the prints which can be expanded with a metal clip so that no sheet can push the other down. On the topic with the printer cartridges from the predecession review, the XL black costs around 30 Euro and holds about 2,500 sheets, if one here the price per sheet amounts to 0.012 Euro / print. Well this is a theoretical value but I've also never seen a laser toner with 6000 sheets then also the full 6000 printed. Most of the time, the sly 4000-5000 printouts. Therefore, the price of 30 euros / 2500 sheets is really good. The color costs 90 euros and compared to the color laser the Lexmark is extremely cheap and one must not forget there is no toner dust. The supplied cartridges on new printers are never full or rather such a small starter kit, should be known as this almost every manufacturer so handles. The Copy function is performed either via the automatic feeder in the deck or via the usual glass surface of scanners or copiers.

Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000 Driver Download

The copies can be black-and-white or colored. Copies look very good, in part it is even possible to produce exact copies so that you can keep the original and the copy very difficult. If one does not have the original, there is no difference to 90% of the documents. For the inkjet, in addition, that in color laser the font and also copies are usually a bit more glossy of the typeface, graphics or characters on the copy. This is not with the Lexmark, it delivers very convincing copies of the Orginals. The only drawback is the slightly larger representation of the copy. But this is certainly only a matter of attitude. Topic Scanning, this can be done in two ways, once via the software on the PC which must be called and then the Scan function is selected. Then opens a window which signals to the printer the scan is to this PC. Second possibility is to select the PC directly at the Lexmark after the software installation and then scan, the scan automatically ends up in its own files. At the beginning there was also small start-up difficulties. Software and settings. This is manifold. The software updates itself automatically, also offers new firmware for the printer. The problem was the installation of the new firmware did not work with me over the software. The firmware was then searched directly on the homepage and installed, no problem. Settings on the printer can be made via the printer driver, via the software from Lexmark, via the printer itself and additionally via a web interface. Finally, for a printer I bought for 111 euros, an absolutely satisfactory performance. Whereby satisfying with me the grade 1 means.
Lexmark OfficeEdge Pro4000 Driver Download