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Download AbelCam

AbelCam DownloadAbelCam is a program that lets you use your PC as a web server to transmit streaming using the webcam, so you can access from any browser remotely (eg from a mobile phone) to see live what is transmitted. It can be configured to send traps from time to time or when motion is detected, or you can record video and upload it to an FTP server, or some storage space for files such as Dropbox, or save it in the same PC (if the goal is use this software to monitor a business or home, it would be advisable to send the captured images to a remote server). Besides being able to access what webcam shows, AbelCam also allows streaming transmit captured by a TV tuner card or other devices such as IP cameras. On the official website there are several tutorials (in English), such as this, which explains how to add and a camera.

Download AbelCam

AbelCam 4.4 is the latest version, updated in June 2014, which can be downloaded free. To use the software without limitations is necessary to request a free license, as explained in the next tutorial. There is a Pro version that supports multiple simultaneous webcams. Works with Windows 8, 7 and Vista (32 bit and 64 bit), available also in Spanish.