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Women in Advertising

Showing the female model in ads that originally started with ads on products like alcohol and adult entertainment. The trend then spread like wildfire on the market and is still widely used despite exaggeration. It's been a compulsion now to have beautiful models in all types of ads, which sometimes seem unnecessary. They seem to sell something from the shaving gel to the car.

Many women's rights activists say that women are projected only as objects of such advertising. However, the real truth is that ads featuring women affect audiences of all ages and advertisers have realized this. The ads begin with attractive women who pose in a seductive manner followed by the products or services offered by the company. The beauty of this model has attracted customers, so advertisers no longer need to motivate them.

But there are some disadvantages in using the female model in some ads and if the consumer is smart enough, it does not take time to realize it. It's not at all relevant to show women or actress models in ads that promote male products. Some good examples of this show are a woman with deodorized black hair and a woman's bare body ratio in part with a car's body. The second weakness is because more concentration on the model, proper product attention is not sufficient. Primary ad focus is missing.

Oddly enough only a few male models advertise a male-oriented product. Even the description of a woman in Internet advertising seems unreasonable to some extent, because there are thirty percent of female internet users and seventy percent of male internet users, worldwide. To add to it, advertisers can not explain why beautiful bodies bring advertising success.

Advertising is a convincing and motivating tool that can have a profound impact on the viewer's mind and play a major role in creating a culture and society's attitude. Extensive and extensive female image in this way simply reduces their image to the object of passion. Emphasis is placed only on women's physical beauty such as features, body indentations. After commercial shots, using graphical technology, all forms of body imperfection are altered which by way of sending a signal that only the right person intends to use the product.

Companies have moral responsibility also in society. These ads have a negative impact on society and cause problems faced by ordinary women. The bad effect is the pressure on women to get a nearly perfect body. They are so textured that they take an unhealthy way to achieve the established goals. They develop eating disorders; their health will be affected which can sometimes cause irreparable damage. And those who have never reached that point, face humiliation and ridicule by everyone around them. This causes depression and other long-term psychological illness.

According to research and surveys conducted, most women swear that these ads lower their confidence and they visualize themselves as unattractive because they are described as perfect women in advertising. In America, seventy-five percent of healthy women consider them overweight. Half of the female population is on some type of diet program and nearly ten million women suffer from serious eating disorders. The weight of the fashion model is twenty-three percent lower than the average woman weighed.

Advertising has not let women be beaten. In commercial lotions after being shaved, a background voice says that it is important to learn martial arts because once a person applies a company product, the woman around will be interested and will pounce on it. Towards the end of the commercial, they showed a male model kicking some female models that seemed interested in him. This is the decline of the feminine level to the lowest level.

After all of this exposure, female viewers identify themselves as weaker sex. Some people think that man determines his pride. During the exposure of women as sex objects have triggered cases of physical assault and rape. The majority of women take the wrong way to get stick figures, which result in illness, sometimes causing death. And most of this is related to advertising poured into the lives of innocent people every day. Marketing ethics should be built to improve the status of women in society and reward them but not to reduce them.